Seeds from around the world
Marlinde Verweij
The Project

Deforestation & loss of green is a big problem around the world. But an other problem is how people sees this problem, or even don't see it.
It is hard and inefficient to change all te worlds global issues by yourself. How do you solve a global problem wehen you have only experienced your onw point of view? We believe that through convensation, understanding and creating networks, we can solve problems more effecitively and collectively
The project is about deforestation & removal of green areas. This is something that is relevant for everone in the world. Ever person has an directly or indirectly experience connected with deforestation. Some people are more aware about it then others.
Seeds from around the world

We make assumptions for other parites without having had the discussion or convensation.

We disconnect from urgent global issues when we have not had a personal experience issue with the topic.

The Goal is to create understanding from different view points, concerning deforestation.

We created a design that takes the issue of deforestation that we are not confronted by daily and make people aware of it. We hope that we can help people feel responsible and get them involved in a global issue. With our design we connect places and peoples'personal stories to create awerness and a sens of community.

With 'Seeds from around the world' we connect places and peoples'personal stories to create awerness and a sens of community.
What are people's personal stories on deforestation?

By interviewing people on the Streets of Rotterdam we collected personal stories of people. The results are analysed by using the 'Ice berg' model, because of that we know what lays underneath of the events they discribed during the interview.

Final Concept
For sharing personal stories social media is a powerful tool these days.
Therefor we are working with instagram.

On the instagrampage 'Seeds from around the world' we post personal stories on deforestation. A community forms by sharing and tagging personal stories about deforestation but also memories of connecting with nature.

There is on the instagrampage a link to Google earth. With the link people can see for themselfs how the loss of green of there home area is, and have the possibility to share it on the page.

With this concept is a challenge: #seeds around the world. there are stickers that can be downloaded. The challenge is to stick them on a product or object that has contributed to deforestation. And post a photo of it. This element makes people more aware.
Example of the final concept can be find on the startpage

Seeds from around the world