Seeds from around the world
The Project
Marlinde Verweij
The Project

At the start it was clear that we wanted to interview people to collect the personal stories. As a preparation it was important to find information about deforestation, focussed on deforestation in The Netherlands.

The information is used to plan the questions of the interview.
We also where looking for an interactive form for the interview or a tool to show at the interview.
Start point

A law in the Netherlands states, that for every tree that is cut down, a new one has to be planted. This law does not count when an area of forest is cut down and replaced with other types of nature. However this new type of nature does not clean out CO2 compared to the trees that were standing there before.

According to records the netherlands only had 1-2% of forest, deforestation started around the 9th century for the building of houses, sheds and firewood.Since the 1850’s we have gone from 1-2% to 11% of forest area.

Scepticism in the Netherlands has grown, that people are the cause of climate change.

An interactive map wherein you can see the loss of forest area in various places around the world in the past 17 years

The rate of deforestation in the Netherlands is quicker than the amazon. In fact 0,24 % of the forest in the amazon was lost as opposed to the 0,36% of the dutch forest that has been destroyed.

Was de Nederlandse wetgeving aanvankelijk nog overwegend gericht op de bescherming van bos tegen diverse vormen van aantastingen, later was vooral de instandhouding van het bosareaal het doel, met stimulerende bepalingen voor herplant en aanleg.

Bosbeheer en bomen kappen hangen nauw samen. En omdat bomen waardevol zijn voor de opslag van CO2, en daarmee de aanpak van klimaatverandering, en omdat mensen graag in bossen recreëren, wegen we steeds zorgvuldig af waar en wanneer we bomen kappen.

Redenen houtkap:

- Dunning
- Verjonging
- Natuurbeheer
- Houtproductie

Google Earth Satellite Photo's

1984 VS 2016